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Visit a goGreen Bureau and get Free Green Consulting for your company!
Are you an owner or a manager of a company and you are interested to upgrade your business by making it environmentally friendly?
Would you like to be informed on best green practices? 
Do you want to introduce green policies in your enterprise and you do not know how to go about it?
Visit a goGreen Bureau and get free green consulting -for one year- on environmental issues regarding your company’s services and products!
Seven Chambers of Commerce, in six countries, make the difference and host goGreen Bureaus:
el-GR Arcadia Chamber Andreas Douvas
el-GR Eurosportello Claudio Gallerini
el-GR Camara Valencia Alberto Rodrigo
el-GR ARAD CCIA Gabriel Leucuta
el-GR BICC Sandanski Plamen Todorov
el-GR ISO     Omer Inan
el-GR ΙZTO   Cagri Dogan;          
Why wait? Improve your knowledge and skills on how to effective introduce and manage green business practices.


Acest proiect este finantat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene. Acest website reflecta doar parerile autorului, iar Comisia Europeana nu este responsabila pentru orice utilizare a informatiilor continute. (This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.)