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Help Desk

Error Your copy of The Help Desk Module has expired.

*Click here* to purchase the Standard Edition instantly thru PayPal, or *click here* for the Enterprise + w/Source Edition. You don't need a PayPal account - a credit/debit card will suffice. No reinstallation/reconfiguration will be required. The data you have entered will be preserved.

Alternatively, you can visit the developer's store at You will have to uninstall and reinstall/reconfigure the module accordingly, and the data you have entered will be lost.

If you have already purchased the module, please *click here* to activate your copy.


Questo progetto è stato finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea. Questo sito web riflette solo le opinioni dell’autore e la Commissione europea non può essere ritenuta responsabile per qualsiasi uso che possa essere fatto delle informazioni contenute.