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The Arcadia Chamber is a regional chamber employing about 12 persons. Its main role is the representation of enterprises, the support and provision of information and advice relating to development, innovation, technology, exports and any other activities that might help the Arcadian enterprises grow. The Chamber implements various E.U. projects in order to give its members new opportunities and assistance to develop and expand. It also participates in a number of business missions and fairs in other countries, provides information on E.U. and national funding for the enterprises and organizes seminars and events to promote its members and their products and services. In the field of environmental development, the Chamber participates in various initiatives in the region related to the concept of ‘green entrepreneurship’, while it has implemented an E.U. project called ECOSIND “Green procurement” in the frame of INTEREGG IIIC program.
Contact details
Ms. Evgenia TZANETOPOULOU, Administration, Officer March and Panos 21-25, 22100, Tripolis, Greece
T. +30 2710 227141 F. +30 2710 233738 E. W.



Founded in 1992 in Chalkida ALLWEB Solutions uses the World Wide Web as a backbone in order to develop high quantity informatics solutions for businesses and enterprises, which are trying to adjust their operation to e-business activities. Allweb possesses strong expertise in development of curricula, adjustment of curricula for e learning, design and development of online educational tools and e learning environments (platforms). Allweb is also very experienced in e-tutoring and implementation of e –learning/blended learning activities and has conducted courses for entrepreneurship for 1500 staff and owners for SMEs using blended learning methodologies, thus knowing very well the specific target group.

Contact details
Ms. Ioanna IOANNIDOU, General Manager, Dimosthenous Vasileiou 7, 22100, Chalkida, Greece
T. +30 22210 60060 F. +30 22210 60050 E.  W.



Militos offers an integrated range of innovative consultancy services in a wide spectrum of fields, such as R&D, employment and VET, media, etc. to clients from the private, public and third sector. Its expertise includes in particular, business development, communication, dissemination and media relations, and event management. The company has an extensive network of partners and media contacts both in Greece and in the EU27. It regularly initiates and participates in national and transnational EU co-funded projects, as dissemination and exploitation expert.

Contact details
Ms. Magda KARAMANOGLOU, European Project Manager, Viotias 3, K. Halandri, 15231, Athens, Greece
T.  +30 210 6772129  F. +30 210 6772116 E. W.


The University of ROMA TRE has been established in 1992 at present it is the second largest university in Rome. About 40000 students are enrolled in eight faculties covering humanistic, scientific and technical fields. The University offers 75 degrees, 66 masters and 61 PhD courses. The Research Group in Fluid Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department (DIMI) is actively involved in, among others, the following research fields:

  • Energy conversion systems: optimization of design and operation of power plants, design and analysis of plant components (heat exchangers, compressors, steam turbines, cooling etc.)
  • Development of methodologies and models for status recognition and diagnosis of energy system components
  • Building Energy Systems: Research and consultancy concerning building energy system design, improvement and optimum management, integration of renewable in building energy systems, innovative solutions for heating and cooling.

Contact details
Mr. Giovanni CERRI, Professor , Via della Vasca Navale 79, 00146, Roma, Italy
T. +39 06 57333251 F.  +39 06 5593732 E. W.

EUROSPORTELLO Consorzio Eurosportello Confesercenti

Consorzio Eurosportello Confesercenti (EuCo) is promoted by Confesercenti (non profit-making business association), which represents the economic interests of about 250.000 enterprises in Italy. This subject developed a strong capacity to manage local development processes through information on Community policies and assistance for the access to financial opportunities, targeted both to the private and to the public sector. The office organises about 30 seminars per year and sets up awareness raising events on different EU policies and programmes of interest of public and private entities. EuCo, moreover, is part of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign since this initiative was created and it actively works in the field of energy environment, through the organisation of several courses open to enterprises and public entities of the area of Florence. It is also actively participating in the Enterprise Europe Network and, among others in the Intelligent Energy Sector Group.

Contact details
Claudio Gallerini, Project Manager, Via Pistoiese 155, 50145, Florence, Italy
T. +39 055 3905152 F. +39 055 310922 E. W.


The Chamber of Valencia has the following main actions: providing services to the SMEs, formation and training of businessmen, improve the relationship between the enterprises and the local administration, to promote the external trade for our enterprises. A specific Department is in charge of developin environmental activities in the Chamber of Valencia:

  • Seminars, congres, conferences, courses and workshops on saving and efficiency energy
  • Quarterly publication of efficiency energy indexes in Region of Valencia companies
  • Environmental companies directory
  • Report of Environmental Requirements for the Company
  • ‘Reuti’l Magazine
  • Best Practices guides
  • Implementation of a CSR Management System
  • In addition, through Lluis Vives Business School  training and education courses targeting all levels of companies’ staff are regurarly organised: a specific training line related to environmental isssues is developed and continuously implemented.

Contact details
Rafael Mossi, Head of Environmental Department, C./Jesus 19, 46007, Valencia, Spain

T. +34 96 310 39 04 F. +34 96 353 17 45 E. W. 


SCIENTER España is a  research centre and service provider organisation, activ ein the field of education and training that was created as a Limited Company at the beginning of 1999. SCIENTER España builds on the SCIENTER operational office active in Granada since 1996 and it counts on the experience provided by its main partners: SCIENTER in Bologna (Italy) and the University of Granada. SCIENTER España is interested in innovation of training systems, with main reference to the field of Open and Distance Learning, Organisational Learning, Lifelong Learning, use of Information and Communication Technologies in different fields such us Higher Education, Vocational Training, Professional Guidance, Local Development and Social Inclusion. It carries out research projects at regional, national, and European level. SCIENTER España has quite a vast experience in the field of international relations and in the global management of long term partnerships.

Contact details
María Begoña Arenas Romero, Miguel Ángel Muñoz Castro, Luis Amador 24aF, E-18014, Granada, Spain
T. +34 958 806590 F. +34 958 185947 E. 


CITEXPO – Center for Technological Information in environmental field and in the agriculture field affiliated of the Arad Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, accredited by Ministry of Education and Research has the field of environmental protection, agriculture and non-conventional and regenerative energies. It organises annual, exhibitors and ECOMEDIU, an international environmental exhibition with over 130 exhibitors. In the same period with ECOMEDIU, it organises the international environmental conference with the theme “Practices and experiences in environmental protection”. Services, products, offered technologies and spaces for resident companies include organising exhibitions in the protection of the environment field and in the agriculture field (national and international exhibitions), organising national and international seminars, conferences, training, business meetings etc.., promoting regional products, consulting and technological informing.

Contact details
Mrs. Simona HAPRIAN, Director of CITEXPO, Closka 5, 310017, Arad, Romania
T. +40  257  216520 F. +40  257  216521 E. W.


Business Information and Consulting Centre is a non profit association founded in 1997 as a result of the initiative of local entrepreneurs and representatives in the municipality of Sandanski. Its activities support the economic, cultural and educational development of South-West Bulgaria. It does this through providing assistance to the needs of the local Small and Medium eterprises (SMEs) and through the promotion of the region as a modern economic, social, cultural and sports center. BICC- Sandasnki organises exhibitions, conferences, business forums, trainings, workshops and other relevant events. The organisation further contibutes to the increase of the competitiveness and competence of local SMEs by providing advisory services as support for: business start up, improvement of the technical and management capacity of SMEs, e-services, acess to financial resources, promotion of business cooperation opportunities. In 2008 BICC became a part of “Enterprise Europe Network”.

Contact details
Mr. Todorov PLAMEN, Association Business Information and Consulting Centre Sandanski, Expert EU Programmes, Skopie Street 5, 2800, Sandanski, Bulgaria
T. +359 746 30549 F. +359 746 32403 E. W. 


ICI, together with its Professional Comittees, Chamber Council, Board of Directors, General Secretariat and employees, comtributes to the improvement of the competitiveness of its members and the Turkish Industry and to the economy of the country. ICI, 98 percent of whose members are small and medium-sized enterprises, is the most dynamic and powerful representative of the Turkish Industry. The main objective of Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI), founded in 1952, is to fulfill the existing and future needs of the Turkish industry through information, training and consulting services, to improve the international competitiveness of our industry and country and to contribute to the development of the country as a whole. The services that the Istanbul Chamber of Industry provides to its members may be gathered in two main groups: services provided on the basis of the reporting responsibility originating from the legislation in effect and enhancing the competitive power of the members.

Contact details
Ömer İNAN, Environmental Engineer,Mesrutiyet Cad. No:62 Tepebası/Taksim,İSTANBUL, Turkey
T. +90 212 252 29 00 / 151 F. +90 212 251 46 37 E. W.


IZTO is the 2nd largest Chamber of Turkey with more than 70.000 members. Our members are classified into 87 Professional Committees according to their area of functions (NACE). Main functions of our Chamber is to strenghten professional work ethic, develop trade, compile information and news concerning trade and forward them to the related people, organise local or regional exhibitions, to participate in national and international fairs, to arrange professional training courses and to provide consultancy on foreign trade and EU topics. Also, as the foreign Economic Relations Department we bring our members together with foreign delegations, organise various meetings and business missions abroad. Besides, the EU Division of our Department manages EU funded.
Contact details
Mr. Ahmet TOPRAK, Assistant Expert, Ataturk Caddesi No:126, 35210, Pasaport, Izmir, Turkey
T.+90 232 444 92 92 F.+90 232 498 46 38 E. W. 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.